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Kamis, Januari 23, 2025

Adonan Dasar Kue Kering (untuk 4 jenis kue kering) by Bunga Safari

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@ IG Mabela Cooking Club
Get ready to elevate your baking game with this versatile cookie dough recipe! Whether you’re craving pineapple tarts, cashew snowballs, cheesy kastengels, or chocolatey delights, this dough has got you covered. Let’s dive into the world of baking and create some mouthwatering treats together!

Bahan :

600 gram terigu protein rendah
400 gram margarin
100 gram mentega
150 sd 200 gram gula halus
75 gram tepung maizena
25 gram susu bubuk putih
2 butir kuning telur
Essen vanilla (optional)

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  • 600 grams low-protein flour
  • 400 grams margarine
  • 100 grams butter
  • 150 to 200 grams powdered sugar
  • 75 grams cornstarch
  • 25 grams powdered milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Vanilla essence (optional)

Cara membuat :

  1. Mikser mentega, margarin dan gula halus selama 2 menit masukkan kuning telur mikser sebentar saja.
  2. Matikan mikser masukkan maizena, terigu, susu bubuk, aduk hingga kalis,bentuk sesuai resep kue yang diinginkan. panggang hingga matang di suhu 120′ c.
  1. In a mixing bowl, beat margarine, butter, and powdered sugar for 2 minutes. Add egg yolks and beat briefly.
  2. Turn off the mixer and add cornstarch, flour, powdered milk. Mix until the dough is smooth and pliable. Shape it according to the desired cookie recipe. Bake until cooked at 120°C.
  1. Untuk pembuatan nastar : tambahkan terigu sekitar 50 sd 75 gram sampai adonan sudah tidak terlalu lengket dan bisa dibentuk.
  2. Untuk kue kering putri salju kacang mete : tambahkan 50 sd 100 gram kacang mete halus yang telah disangrai.
  3. Kastengel : tambahkan 100 gram keju parut yang terdiri dari 50 gram keju cheddar 25 gram keju edam 25 gram keju parmesan. Untuk gula halusnya ditiadakan.
  4. Coklat mete : tambahkan 25 gram cokelat bubuk dan 1 sdm pasta cokelat.
  1. Pineapple Tarts: Add an additional 50 to 75 grams of flour until the dough is no longer too sticky and can be shaped easily.
  2. Cashew Snowballs: Mix in 50 to 100 grams of finely chopped roasted cashews.
  3. Cheesy Kastengels: Incorporate 100 grams of grated cheese, consisting of 50 grams cheddar, 25 grams edam, and 25 grams parmesan. Omit the powdered sugar.
  4. Chocolate Cashews: Add 25 grams of cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of chocolate paste.

Tips :
~ agar kukis coklat tidak gosong dan menjadi pahit setelah 25 menit dan aromanya keluar,tekan sedikit permukaan kukis apabila sudah keras,kecilkan api dan panggang lagi selama 10 menit.
~ apabila adonan bawah sudah coklat sedangkan tengah kue masih basah maka kue kering tidak perlu dioven lagi cukup letakkan kue dan loyang diatas oven yang sedang menyala untuk mematangkan kue kering.
~ adonan bisa dibuat dalam jumlah banyak, masukkan dalam plastik atau wadah tertutup simpan didalam kulkas. Ambil sesuai kebutuhan saja.

  • To prevent chocolate cookies from burning and becoming bitter, after 25 minutes when the aroma starts to emerge, press the surface slightly. Reduce the heat and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
  • If the bottom of the cookies is already browned but the center is still moist, remove them from the oven and place the cookies and the tray on top of the oven while it’s still hot to finish baking.
  • The dough can be made in large quantities, stored in plastic wrap or a covered container, and kept in the refrigerator. Use as needed.

Selamat mencoba
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With this versatile dough recipe and handy tips, you’ll be baking up a storm of delicious cookies in no time. Get creative and enjoy the wonderful world of baking!


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